Tuesday, November 22, 2011

adventures, family, and knowing your limits...

This past week has been quite an adventure. I decided to leave early for our annual Thanksgiving with my parents so that my mom and I could spend some time together. I drove down to my parents and picked up my mom. Then we went for a little trip to Weatherford, TX to spend a little mini vaca away from responsibilities. Doesn't sound very grown up but it was AWESOME!!! We spent three days just relaxing and playing computer games, watching TV and reading. I kept thinking this is what heaven must be like.

But that was just the beginning. while we were there I remembered one of my best friends from high school lived in Ft Worth now and so I shot her an email and we agreed to meet up for lunch the day that we were heading out. It was amazing. After WAY too many years to admit, it was like no time had passed. That's when I remembered, oh yeah... she was a military brat. I have found that Military friendships have been the strongest for me. Because you get so used to moving and people in and out, that you make these tight, flexible bonds that can last a lifetime. These are the people you can call at 3 am when your world is falling apart and they are so glad you called, and would be mad at you if you didn't. These are the people who don't get upset when they don't hear from you, but are so excited when they do. They realize that true friends don't have to talk everyday, every week, every month or even for years. They realize true friends never hang up, they just stay on hold for long periods of time. I felt like a kid again (but in the good ways not the bad lol). I truly cherish my friendship with her and I hope she is always a part of my life (and maybe one day we live closer to each other!!)

I spent a lot of the time we were at the hotel and I was vegging out, thinking about the things going on in my life right now. I thought about the trials and the tribulations, the joys and the celebrations. I realize I am more blessed than I usually think, because all of those trials have had silver linings. If you know me, you know, I am not the type of person to always be able to see the bright side. Hell half the time I cant see the forest for the trees. However, the escape from current stressors let me take in all I have to be grateful for and celebrate this Thanksgiving. I am truly blessed. I think that's what happens when you get too overwhelmed. You become so nearsighted you fail to see the bigger picture and all that is real and good in your life. I will always cherish what I learned this past week.

I also learned I need to set boundaries. I need to set them for myself and for everyone else in my life. I need to be able to say "no." That has never been easy for me. I am a people pleaser and there are VERY few things in life that bring me more joy than giving and helping others. However, this often leaves me feeling drained, and well, overwhelmed. I often forget that I need to take time out and take care of me. My husband does a stellar job spoiling and taking care of me. But there are some things he cant do, only I can. So its time I start doing for me as much as I do for others. Its time I learn how to say "no." I know, sad that it took me 31 years to get here, but better late than never.

Lesson of the week: Yes Thanksgiving is approaching fast, and hopefully we all take time out of our busy lives to be Thankful for all we have and cherish the ones dear to us. But also remember during this time to take a step back and take care of ourselves. When we don't, we have less to give to others. We cant give our all when we have nothing left to give. =) Try to think of something to be thankful for everyday, not just one day a year. =)


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