Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Healthcare frustrations...

UGH I hate picking a doctor. I hate staring at a list of people for hours on end. I hate trying to calculate if the doctor is close enough for me to see. I hate the way Tricare makes me CHANGE my primary care doctor before I can go see a new doctor. How do I know if I want them to be in charge of my care until I meet them??? I mean really? I think that we should start interviewing the people we are putting our in charge of our lives. We should meet them, see if we trust them. I have been stuck several times with doctors I hate because changing is such a pain in my ass. *sigh* Ok I feel better. I just needed to vent.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

10,000 pound weight finally lifted!!!

So today we finally had our 10,000 pound weight lifted off our shoulders. We finally have an accurate diagnosis and care plan for my husband's injury! Its been such a difficult few months but after spending a few hours with a new doctor who was VERY thorough, we both realized on the ride home that it had to happen this way. A large chain of events had to come to fruition for us to both be able to see and accept the diagnosis. I am so relieved. Even with the sleep deprivation from getting home so late and the mild headache I have I feel like I am flying! Glad to have one chapter finally shut and looking forward to what the future holds! YAY!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Date Jars

This might be a bit swirly (considering I am a swirly thinker, comes with adhd) but I promise I have a point so hang in there with me.

I love Christmas. When I was a kid, I loved seeing what was beneath all that colorful paper and bows! But now that I am an adult, I love seeing the people I love light up when they open something I got them that I put a lot of thought into. I love seeing the innocent excitement that comes over their faces, where you can tell they feel like when we were kids and someone gave us a nickle and we thought they gave us the world. I also love the lights, the crisp chill in the air, the cocoa, and the feeling of excitement and hope.

That being said, now that Christmas is over, I am a little relieved and glad (I hate crowded shopping areas) but I am also a little sad. I miss the expectation and hope. I miss the joyful singing and cheer. I miss the excitement at seeing people peek at the gifts under the tree. So I started thinking of how my husband and I could bring that into our lives more. I came up with the idea of Date Jars.

It started as a simple idea. We would have at least two date nights a month. One that he planned around me, and one that I planned around him. We wouldn't tell the other one what was planned (unless necessary for whatever reason) but hints were fine. I was getting excited just thinking about it! Then I realized that there was a chance that the ideas could run out in a few months. I know I have struggled with gift ideas before, so why wouldn't date ideas be the same. So I started thinking... how could we let each other know what we wanted to do, while still letting there be a surprise and mystery to it. Then the Idea Fairy came down and hit me with her good idea stick. What if we had a place to put all our great ideas? Every time we think of something we want to do or share with the other one, or somewhere we want them to take us, we write it down and stick it in our jar. Then (lets say its my turn to plan the date for him) a few days before the date, I take down his jar, look at all the wonderful ideas, and pick a few out for the date! If I have an idea of what I want to do for him, I don't have to use the Jar, but if I am struggling, its there to help me out. I am going to be home in a few days and plan on actually using my craft stuff to decorate our Jars. I will post pictures when they are finished.

I thought this idea was too good to keep to myself. So there you are world. You are welcome.