Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Ok so for those of you that know me, you know I LOVE my phone. I love that technology has progressed to the point that no matter where I am or what I am doing, I can answer a call or get an instant message from my amazing husband. However, it has not progressed to the point that I can ONLY get calls or messages from him short of getting a special phone just for him lol. I cant stand that idea! One phone is hard enough to keep up with, two would drive me crazy! There are days and times that all I want is to have some peace and quiet, to have some time to myself, and people don't see my away message on my IM or they are having an "emergency" (read: omg the world is ending right now... oh wait... no, my bad) and have to talk to me IMMEDIATELY. Sometimes I just want quiet. Is that so bad? Is it wrong to want to be left alone for a little while? I miss the days where going to the movies meant you were alone on a date. Now, well because of my hubby's wonderful job, we go to a movie and if his phone goes off he has to go out and take the call. He has missed a good portion of several movies because of that. He has to keep his phone on. He had to keep it on when we were on our honeymoon. (Further proof that he is married to the army and I am just the mistress lol) I never truly feel like I am alone with him, because if they call, he has to answer, and if they say "you have to come in" he has to leave. No matter the time or what we are doing. I miss my angel so much. This deployment has been rough. But as with everything we are getting through it together. When I am weak, he is strong, and when he is weak, I am strong. Luckily when we are both weak, we both become strong for each other and we lean on each other until we can stand again. He is the most amazing man I have ever met and I love him dearly. =) I cant wait til he is back in my arms!

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