Friday, July 15, 2011


There are so many things I dont miss about being a kid. I dont miss the teasing, I dont miss the bullying, I dont miss the drama. But there are a few things I do miss about being a kid. I miss having a best friend, someone who you were usually attached to the hip to and could tell anything to. Someone you could laugh with and cry with. Someone who, if someone dared hurt them, you would have gladly gotten in trouble for kicking the cause of their pain in the crotch. lol. There is a closeness in friendships that you never quite get when you are older. Once you have been hurt too many times, removed too many knives from your back, and hurled too many of your own knives. I miss sleepovers and staying up all night giggling. I miss birthday parties being a big deal. I miss the excitement of Christmas time and Christmas morning. I miss being silly.

As we grow up we learn that people talk about us behind our back, and we talk about others behind theirs. We learn that sometimes people keep us around just to use us. That they only want us there for when they are having an issue and never have time for you or your issues. We learn that most of the time people will think of themselves first before helping someone else. They can always dismiss their cruelty and lack of sympathy. We learn to be mistrustful and to hide things. We learn to hide behind a smile and keep people at arms length. And we learn that people will rarely put themselves out. If your crisis isnt on their schedule, you are SOL.

Why?? When did we become so disassociated? When did self preservation trump empathy? When did we have to accept that if WE didn't lookout for OURSELVES no one else would? What happened to compassion and heart? What happened to wanting to support and help others? It breaks my heart when I think about what this world has come to. Lying and deceit does not have to be our first course of action. It doesn't even have to be a choice. We can be honest. We can support each other. We can take ten minutes to listen to a friend in need. We can believe that only by helping each other can we truly help ourselves.  And if we really dont want to do something with a friend, we can tell them honestly and NICELY instead of promising to go and then something always "coming up." I know these ideas are really radical and hard to embrace, but I truly believe that if we did, we would all be so much happier.

Please dont misunderstand me. I have a best friend now, that I can tell anything to, and I am lucky enough to be able to call him my husband. He is always there for me, even from half a world away. I can always tell him anything and I always know he has my back. When he is home we are attached at the hip. I love that we can be silly with each other. But there is something to be said for friends that are not your significant other. Sometimes you need support from outside the situation. I am so lucky to have him. He makes everything so much better! I really don't know how I got so lucky. I mean finding someone who believes the same things you do, when your beliefs are as radical as mine, is a rare occurrence these days! lol. Anyway I just wanted to put this out in the universe. :)

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