Thursday, July 7, 2011

Some days are better than others

I have ADHD. One of the major problems I have been learning to deal with is cleaning and organization. I either get overwhelmed and procrastinate, or I over complicate it. Before I was on medication I could never get started by myself. I always had to have someone help me. I also struggled with getting rid of things. I always thought i needed to "save" them and make them feel wanted. Now I am more than happy to give or throw things away. I still struggle to get started sometimes and make organization harder than it has to be, but hey I am a work in progress! This week, I went through all my clothes. I folded up my winter clothes to store ( a little late I know but better late than never!), and I got over six garbage bags full of clothes that no longer fit or I no longer wear to give away to charity. I feel pretty good about that. :) Its the little things! Soon my hubby will be coming home on leave, and I want him to be overwhelmed (in a good way) about how much I have accomplished while he was gone, so reluctantly, I have asked for help. I have a friend who loves cleaning and organizing and is supposed to start helping me this weekend/next week. Hopefully between the two of us we can get the house spotless and she can help teach me how to keep it that way! :)

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