Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Crafts, organization and the the ADHD monster!

Hello friends! I have so many things I would love to write about, that I have a hard time choosing! But today I decided I wanted to talk about three things that are related and take up a good part of my life. If you know me, you know I love to do crafts. All kinds of crafts, however my favorite is making jewelry. I love all the variety of things I can use. I love the variety of styles. I love being in control! lol However, occasionally my crafts decide to try to overthrow my life. Currently I have a storage drawer cabinet with 5 drawers that is overflowing everywhere with my most recent obsession (metal stamping and multi media jewelry). The drawers are full, and somewhat organized consider I decide to reorganize them different ways every other day lol. I just bought a larger drawer storage system to help combat the overflow and a desk that will hopefully be sturdy enough for my stamping! You gotta hit those suckers hard and if you don't have a sturdy table to work on, you aren't going to get a clean print!

Now that I have given a background, let me bring in my good friend ADHD. lol I have adhd. It has made several areas of my life difficult, but the worst are the ones that seem to be so simple for everyone else. I have trouble cleaning and organizing. And I will tell you right now, the next person who says to me "but its so easy you just do it" is getting punched in the nose! lol I have made a lot of progress on my current treatment (and even more so since a friend has started helping me) but I am still embarrassed when someone "drops by" or I have to let someone see my house. I know its a process and its going to take time. It took 31 years to get to this point, its not going to get fixed overnight! But part of me still wants the magic wand to wave and fix it.

Now that being said, I am not completely disorganized. I seem to only have two settings; completely disorganized, ignore it and not pay any attention to it, OR Obsessively overly neurotically organized. Neither is good! lol I can come up with a million ways to organize my craft stuff, get it organized and all put away, and by the time I am in bed I have thought of a brand new, 20,000 times better way of organizing it and end up having to start all over! *sigh* Sometimes it seems to be a never ending process.

I am dedicated to getting my house, and my life under control. I know that its going to take time, and patience, understanding and concentration. None of which I am too good at, but I am learning. I refuse to let ADHD rule my life. I refuse to let it win. Occasionally it may distract me for a while, but I refuse to let it take over. I am stronger than my disease, disability, whatever you want to call it. While sometimes I will give in to the urges to be distracted, I will start conversations in the middle, I will make no sense and my stories will be way too long, but in the end, I will go back to what I was doing, finish my task at hand and be productive!

ADHD is now considered to be such a bad thing and such a disability. However, there was a time in humanities past, where we were the people everyone wanted around. We come up with amazing plans, we think of every scenario, we have heightened senses. But now that we live in a world where everything is done for us, everything is instantaneous, our "gifts" are considered curses and we are treated. Oh how the times change. At least we know that we will be the ones everyone will be searching out in case of an apocalypse lol


  1. I would never say it's easy to just "do"! Who says that? XD It's definitely hard for me to clean and organize too. And when I do "just do it" it ends up being a bigger fiasco than what was originally planned. Oh bother! I'm glad you're not letting ADHD control your life :) I think that's the way to go. Good luck! I believe in you! lol

  2. A lot of people have told me it is. Its sad that people cant just understand like you and I do! I do get overwhelmed easily but if I feel myself getting overwhelmed and take a break, I can come back and do more. and I do understand the fiasco. This major overhaul I am undertaking now, a lot of time my house looks worse than it did in the beginning. Guess you have to make a mess to clean it lol :)
